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Core Classes

Parent Participation Program logo
Young Toddler class enjoying the parachute on the playground.

Join the Fun and Make Friends at Parent Participation!  

Attend a weekly class with your infant, toddler, or preschooler through the Parent Participation Program.   Strengthen your parenting skills, connect with other families, and enjoy imaginative play with your child in a positive school setting.  Teachers facilitate guided discussions focusing on child development, social and emotional growth of children, and strengthening parental resilience.  Find support on your parenting journey with Parent Participation! All adults in a parenting role are welcome, including nannies and grandparents. 

View class descriptions by clicking on the link below, then scroll to find the classes for your child’s age group.  Please note–we are part of the Adult School, so parents register themselves for classes, not their children.



Parent Participation Community